Quilters’ Easter Showcase
Saturday 13th April, 2019 9.30am – 3pm
Here we are . . . just weeks away from our 10th Easter Showcase!
A collection of flyers of various sizes has been mailed out to your Group.
We’re asking for help getting these out into the community – in shop windows,
onto community notice-boards and into the hands of anyone who might be interested.
A favourable mention on your social media would also be greatly appreciated.
n.b. Maximum size for The Challenge: Number Ten is A3.
As always, Ann and Briony from Frangipani will be giving very generous prizes.
The maker must be present on the day.
Hoping you can join us and with thanks, in anticipation of your support
Quilters’ Showcase Committee
Lauree Brown
Where is the Showcase to be held?