Committee of Management
- President: Sue Hinds
- Vice President: Vacant
- Secretary: Jimmy Dunn
- Treasurer: Pam Johnson
- Membership :Susan Holdcroft
- Newsletter Editor: Pip Scholten, Lynne Hargreaves
- Exhibition Convener: Mary Herbison
- Eastern Rep: Jean Rosevear
- Northern Rep: Kay Bailey, Jill Brasch-Reaney
- North Western Rep: Diane Hope, Lesley Chintock
- Southern Rep: Johanna Williamson
Appointed Roles
The following positions are appointed roles within the Tasmanian Quilting Guild:
- Auditor: Lynne Makepeace
- Public Officer: Jimmy Dunn
- Retreats: Danelle Griffin
- Historian: Vacant
- Appraisal Convenor: Lorraine Hyland
- Appraisal Administration: Sharon Thomson
- Website Manager: Jan Richards
- Workshop Convener: Vacant
- Monthly eNews :Pip Scholten, Lynne Hargreaves
- Trader Liaison: Faye Harding