Notice to Members and Groups
It was with regret that Yvette Gilligan resigned from the position of President and the Committee of Management of the Guild recently.
Her family commitments became such that she felt she was no longer able to focus on the Tasmanian Quilting Guild to the high level she did in the past.
From the Team currently serving on the Committee of Management, and all TQG members, we would like to extend a big, and warm “Thank you!” to Yvette for the wonderful job; extensive hours and energy she has put in over the past 4 ½ years that she served on the TQG Committee of Management. We wish you all the very best and more Yvette!
On the 8th May 2021, the Committee of Management met for a special meeting. It was decided that going forward,
- The President’s position will remain open until a President is elected at the Annual General Meeting on the 18th September 2021.
- Leesa Greenacre, the Vice President, will Chair the Committee of Management and General meetings until an appointment is made.
- Nominations for President and Treasurer from our membership base is needed, encouraged, and welcome. (# Nominations to be delivered to the Secretary of the Guild at least twenty-one (21) days before the AGM on the 18th September 2021.) Please read our constitution for more information or talk to a committee member.
- The current Committee of Management team are united and will be there to support any new president stepping into the role.
- Together we are passionately working across the state for all our members, after all “The Tasmanian Quilting Guild is the thread that binds us coast to coast!”
Best wishes to you and your families,
Warm regards,
Leesa Greenacre and the TQG Committee of Management team