Quilt Expo/Island Quilts Report
Congratulations to all members, groups and students who took the time to enter quilt/s in this year’s Exhibition to be held 1-3 September in Launceston. The Committee appreciate your support.
We are going to have an AMAZING quilt show, full of variety as we do in Tasmania, and with a record
number of entries, over 250, we will have to use every piece of the quilt stands we have, including the wooden rods. We will also have to hire lots of walling. Kate Berry, as usual, is doing a wonderful job working on the layout, the equipment and lighting needed. Yes, we will have to hire extra lighting to show off your quilts to their very best.
Because of the large number of entries, Photography, Judging, Hanging and Take Down are going to be very busy days and so the more volunteers we have helping, the less pressure on the few who have already put up their hands.
Please if you are able to help on these days can you fill-in a Volunteer form or contact Chris Coulbeck
McMurray, your Volunteer Co-ordinator, and offer your assistance.
To those who have entered can you please make sure your label is covered with a “bagged” (no raw edges to put threads on other quilts) piece of calico or other fabric which is tacked down securely so that it does not flap. This is so that the label does not become visible to Judges as they are turning your quilt.
The Volunteers would also appreciate your help with labelling and identifying the bag you send your quilt in. A photo of or a piece of fabric used in your quilt attached would help to ‘marry up’ your quilt and bag during take down which will start at 4 on Sunday afternoon. Also, please mark your bags clearly with your Category No These processes help us to avoid missing a quilt or item at the end of the day.
I personally want to thank each and every member of the Committee for all their effort and hard work they have provided to try and make our Expo a success. We are incurring a lot of expense to put on our own show so_____
Please help us to cover costs by purchasing and selling raffle tickets, donating items for our Pick a Prize raffle (these can be left at the depots) and encouraging friends and family to visit the event.
Looking forward to seeing everybody!
Dates to Remember
Return Raffle Books by | Friday 18 August 2017 |
Delivery of Quilts to Depots | Wed –Fri 23-25 August 2017 |
Photography Day (Albert Hall) | Tuesday 29 August 2017 |
Judging Day (Albert Hall) | Wednesday 30 August 2017 |
Quilt Hanging Day (Albert Hall) | Thursday 31 August 2017 |
Evening with the Judges
Prize Presentations |
Thursday 31 August 2017
7pm at the Albert Hall |
Exhibition | Friday 1 September 10 AM – 6 PM
Saturday 2 September 10 AM – 4 PM Sunday 3 September 10 AM – 4 PM |
Collection of Quilts from Depots | Tues-Fri 5-8 September |