What do you do when a global pandemic has meant the cancellation of your exhibition one year and the team begins to plan the next exhibition, which you all hope will be a triumphant return to celebrating the artistry of your quilting guild’s members? For the Island Quilts 2021 committee, the answer was GO BIG.
Hoping to get an entry from as many Tasmanian quilters as possible and provide a grand entrance to our exhibition, a mini quilt challenge celebrating the COLOUR and WOW of quilts was devised:
2021 Challenge 100+ Mini Quilts
Get your colour mojo on and wiz-bang up a sensational 12 inch fabric fireworks colour mini quilt as part of an Island Quilts 2021 entry display. We want to light up the Good Shed with stars, comets, whizzers, spinners and anything else you can imagine in fabric and thread.
Be daring, go to your ‘never go to colours’, let your combinations spark and sizzle, try something new – art, modern, traditional piecing, appliqué – whichever way you stitch and join! We want to see an explosion of colour as visitors enter the exhibition. *Finished size 12”x 12” Free entry – open to members and affiliated groups *Multiple entries may be submitted *Enter your quilt(s) under your own name or as a group entry, for example The Modern Quilt Guild or even a primary school!
However, of course, the pandemic wasn’t over, and the triumphant return of our exhibition happened online. Our Fabric Fireworks miniquilts were displayed at the Evening with the Judges Awards Night, however most people have been unable to see these artworks until now. We hope you enjoy these explosions of colour!
To view the gallery, click on an image below. Clicking on the photo will turn the caption on/off, hovering your cursor over an image will zoom, and using the arrows on the right of the page will move you to the next quilt in the gallery.